
Christmas Eve 2016 is a bit different to Christmas Eve 2015 – last year I was just being admitted for urgent surgery to repair a torn rotor cuff tendon, following a total replacement of my left shoulder only four weeks previously. At the same time I was also suffering a lot with increasing pain and stiffness in my right shoulder.

This morning I woke without pain in either shoulder and I can now raise both hands above my head with ease. I remind myself that it’s only just over two months since my right shoulder replacement and that MUST continue with my exercises for sometime yet, however oddly enough the left shoulder is still sore one year after the rotor cuff repair. Both shoulders will be x-rayed again in March so I promise to update again then if not before.

I shall miss writing this blog but I hope that those who have found this useful will keep in touch, especially if you have had replacement surgery yourself.

So for now I would like to say thank you to everyone who has read this blog and followed my progress through two total shoulder replacements, my surgeon Mr Aldridge and the physio team who have given me two pain-free shoulders in time for Christmas 2016, friends and family, and last but not least to Steve, who has hauled me out of many black holes and chased away the Grumpy Cow on more than one occasion, as well as being there with an endless supply of cuddles when I needed them. ❀️

Merry Christmas to you all and best wishes for a better 2017.

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